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Minutes – Board Risk Committee (BRC) Meeting 3 November 2010

BRC Attendees: Bruce Tonkin – Chair; Steve Crocker, Rajasekhar Ramaraj, Mike Silber, and Suzanne Woolf

Other Board Attendees: Peter Dengate Thrush

Staff Attendees: Akram Atallah, Chief Operating Officer; John Jeffrey, General Counsel and Secretary; Tina Dam, Daniel Halloran, Patrick Jones, Rick Lamb, and Diane Schroeder.

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Minutes: Reviewed and approved minutes from previous BRC meeting.

  2. Matter arising from the minutes: communications between ICANN, RSSAC and root operators regarding root scaling.

    • Action:

      • BRC Chair will formalize communications with RSSAC Chair, Vice-Chair, and RSSAC Board Liaison on this topic.

  3. Action Items: Staff provided an update on pending action items, including reporting thresholds for Risk Oversight Management Team and availability of incident reports.

  4. IPv4 Address Depletion: Discussed communications with RIRs on risks relating to IPv4 address depletion issues. IANA staff are reaching out to RIRs and should have more information after the next IETF meeting.

  5. IDN Program: Reviewed IDN program risks and mitigation measures, including staffing, relationship between fast-track and new gTLD programs, review of fast track, IDNA protocol revision, variant management, and general compliance with IDN requirements such as the guidelines, for both top and second level IDNs.

  6. DNSSEC Program: Reviewed DNSSEC program risks and mitigation measures, including operational risks, and lack of up-take at the application level.

    • Action:

      • Staff to provide an update on operational risks and mitigation responses in light of the past .ARPA DNSSEC issue.

  7. Discussed the possibility of a brief BRC discussion in Cartagena, for purposes including a review of the proposed BRC workplan.