Agenda | Meeting of the Technical Committee of the Board (BTC) | 31 August 2023

  1. Welcome
    1.1. Roll Call
    1.2. Agenda Review

  2. Update Session with NCAP-DG Admin Co-Chairs [10 mins]

  3. Administrivia
    3.1. Approval of pending meeting's report if any
    3.2. Action items review

  4. Approval of the Reviewed BTC Charter

  5. Structure of the Board Caucus on the Root Server System's Governance Evolution

  6. Alternative Naming Systems

  7. Priority Project Updates:
    7.1. SAC113 implementation update
    7.2. DSFI-TSG report's feasibility assessment
    7.3. RSSAC 037/038 implementation

  8. Update from Technical Liaisons
    8.1. SSAC
    8.2. RSSAC
    8.3. IETF

  9. AOB

Published on 30 August 2023