أنشطة واجتماعات مجلس الإدارة

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هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

Agenda | Board Governance Committee (BGC) 22 March 2014

  1. Approval of Minutes - 13 March 2014
  2. Reconsideration Requests
    1. Reconsideration Request 14-1: Medistry LLC (.MED)
    2. Reconsideration Request 14-8: DotMusic (.MUSIC, .BAND)
    3. Reconsideration Request 14-4: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (.KOSHER) (tentative)
  3. ATRT2 Recommendations
  4. Possible options re: compensation for Liaisons
  5. NomCom related items
  6. Training
  7. Guidelines re: social events/gifts
  8. 2014 Board self-evaluation
  9. Any other business