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Ombudsman posts investigation report

2009 年 10 月 29 日
作者: Frank Fowlie


  • English

Dr. Frank Fowlie, ICANN Ombudsman, has posted an investigation report.

ICANN Bylaw V states, “The Ombudsman shall be specifically authorized to make such reports to the Board as he or she deems appropriate with respect to any particular matter and its resolution or the inability to resolve it. Absent a determination by the Ombudsman, in his or her sole discretion, that it would be inappropriate, such reports shall be posted on the Website.” In this case the Ombudsman has determined that it would be inappropriate to post the full report, as the publicity may create undue negative sentiments towards one of the parties; but believes that the community should be informed of the investigation.

The report makes 10 recommendations to the Board of Directors to increase the level of civil behaviour in the ICANN Pubic Participation Process. The Ombudsman expects a response from the Board of the Directors on the implementation of the recommendations within 60 days.

The report may be found at: http://www.icann.org/ombudsman/documents/incivility-within-icann-29oct09-en.pdf


Frank Fowlie