Public Comment

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Name: Sophie Hey
Date: 22 Apr 2024
Affiliation: Com Laude
1. Does the RSP Evaluation Program, as described in the draft RSP Handbook, meet the intent of the policy recommendations of Topic 6: Registry Service Provider Pre-Evaluation of the SubPro PDP Final Report
9. Do the technical questions regarding the application for additional Registry Services in Appendix C of the Draft RSP Handbook cover all areas of knowledge necessary for ICANN org to assess the applicant’s ability to operate a Main RSP with additional Registry Services in a manner sufficient to insure the security and stability of the DNS? If not, please specify which topics or areas of knowledge should be added.
15. Are the technical questions regarding the application for additional Registry Services in Appendix C of the draft RSP Handbook clear and understandable? If not, please specify the questions that need more clarity and how they could be made more understandable.