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Public Participation Committee (PPC) Minutes 29 September 2010

PPC Attendees: Jean-Jacques Subrenat – Chair; Thomas Narten; Gonzalo Navarro; Vanda Scartezini; and Kuo-Wei Wu

Apologies: Katim Touray

Staff Attendees: David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development Support; Samantha Eisner, Janice Douma Lange, Diane Schroeder, and Nick Tomasso

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. Chair’s Update: The Chair informed the PPC of his upcoming discussion with members of the Accountability and Transparency Review Team regarding public participation and the work of the PPC.  The Chair also indicated that members of the PPC had been surprised to learn, indirectly, the completion of the process regarding the final selection of the North America meeting site for the March 2011 ICANN Public Meeting.

  2. Agenda Review: Reviewed and consented to the proposed agenda for the meeting.

  3. Minutes: Reviewed the minutes from the prior PPC meeting, and all voting members in attendance approved the minutes.

  4. New Senior Director, Participation and Engagement: Received an update from staff regarding the selection of Filiz Yilmaz as ICANN’s new Senior Director, Participation and Engagement and the schedule for Filiz’s introduction to the PPC at the Board’s upcoming retreat in Silicon Valley.

  5.  Meetings for the Next Decade Consultation: Received an update from staff on the work in analyzing the Big Pulse survey results in line with PPC directives, and the anticipated work to be performed by the incoming Senior Director, Participation and Engagement on identification and outreach to organizations with whom ICANN has working relationships to further identify what can be done to better engage participants in ICANN meetings.  The staff also requested ideas from PPC members in how to engage other organizations.  Staff also suggested the use of a directed survey to inquire of targeted organizations what might interest them in attendance at ICANN meetings.

    Staff then provided an update on the timeline for the Consultation.  Staff anticipates a public workshop on this in Cartagena, and the finalization of a report to the Board in January.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to provide the incoming Senior Director, Participation and Engagement with background on discussion of engaging further participation from similar or comparable organizations to ICANN in order to obtain a fresh view on this issue.  Engagement of further participation will have to include the scheduling considerations posed by ICANN’s intensive meeting schedules.

      • PPC member to circulate suggestion to the PPC relating to targeted surveys.

      • At the next PPC meeting, staff to provide the PPC with suggestions and additional background for planning for the public workshop in Cartagena. 

      • Staff to circulate an email to the PPC proposing how the timeline can include public comment on the PPC’s proposed recommendations to the Board, and confirming adherence to the documentation publication deadlines in advance of ICANN’s public meetings.

  6. PPC Work Plan:  Staff provided an update on the formation of the PPC work plan, based upon activities specified in the PPC charter as well as directives arising out of the PPC meetings.  Staff has produced a limited six-month work plan, and a more detailed 12-month work plan will be deferred so that the incoming Senior Director, Participation and Engagement, can create that document.

    • Actions:

      • Senior Director, Participation and Engagement to work on review of PPC Charter as soon as possible.

      • Staff to capture the additional work done by the PPC, including document publication work, work on language services, public forum improvements, international meetings, and other items on the work plan.

      • Staff to provide PPC with opinion on having a meeting prior to the November retreat in Silicon Valley, with the meeting need being driven by the requirements in the work plan.

  7. Webinar on Meetings for the Next Decade Survey: Staff provided an update on the 27 September 2010 webinars conducted on the Meetings for the Next Decade survey.  Staff reported that though there was limited attendance – partially due to a technical issue – the attendees reported that the webinar was conducted in a thorough and effective manner.  The PPC members noted that there were conflicting meetings that may have diluted community focus on this issue.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to review the technical issue reported with the webinar.

      • Staff to have a closer look at the timing of webinars, taking into account other ICANN meetings, as well as events and holidays, to select times without strong competition for participants.  This should be included in a report to the PPC, and should also include considerations of publicity to advise of the webinars, in terms of both timing and dissemination.