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New ICANN Learn Course About the GNSO Business Constituency

25 мая 2022
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A new course about the Business Constituency (BC) of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) is now available on ICANN Learn! ICANN Learn is a free, online learning platform that hosts training content. This new course describes the mission and structure of the BC, how BC members proactively participate in ICANN policy development and Internet governance, and how more businesses can join the BC.

This new course is part of the BC's outreach strategy to increase the visibility of the BC and attract new BC members. New members help to ensure that the BC presents balanced and diverse views from the global business community.

Capacity development across ICANN is a priority, and this new course serves as a cornerstone for building skills and knowledge about the BC and its work. Before enrolling in this new course, learners are encouraged to take the "Policy Development Fundamentals" course, which provides a foundational understanding of ICANN policy development. Log in to ICANN Learn to take these courses.

The ICANN community develops and refines policies that ensure the security, stability, and resilience of the global Internet. The ICANN organization is proud to facilitate this work and to enable informed participation in the multistakeholder model.


Christopher Mondini

Christopher Mondini

VP, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director - Europe
Carlos Reyes

Carlos Reyes

Sr. Policy Director, Community Operations and Programs