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Minutes - Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors 15 May 2007

A Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors was held via teleconference on 15 May 2007 and was called to order at 6:04 A.M. U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

The following Directors participated in all or part of the meeting: Raimundo Beca, Chairman Vinton G. Cerf, Peter Dengate Thrush, Demi Getschko, Steven Goldstein, Alejandro Pisanty, Rajasekhar Ramaraj, Njeri Rionge, Vanda Scartezini, and Paul Twomey. The following Board Liaisons participated in all or part of the meeting: Steve Crocker, SSAC Liaison; Janis Karklins, GAC Liaison; Thomas Narten, IETF Liaison; Francisco da Silva, Technical Liaison Group Liaison; and Suzanne Woolf, RSSAC Liaison.

The following staff participated in part or all of the meeting: John Jeffrey, General Counsel and Secretary; Paul Levins, Executive Officer and Vice President, Corporate Affairs; Doug Brent, Chief Operating Officer; and, Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President, Business Operations, Henrietta Bertlesman, Acting Chief Financial Officer.

Approval of 25 April 2007 Board Minutes

The Chair introduced the minutes of the meeting of 25 April 2007 and asked for any modifications. Raimundo Beca asked for an amendment to the proposed minutes as set out in the posted preliminary report, as he was not in attendance at the 25 April meeting due to telephone conferencing problems.

Following this Vanda Scartezini moved and Steve Goldstein seconded the following resolution:

Resolved (07.38) the minutes of the Board Meeting of 25 April are approved.

The Board approved the resolution with a roll call vote of 9-0, with one abstention. Raimundo Beca abstained citing his non-attendance at the meeting.

Discussion of 2007-2008 ICANN Budget

The Chairman asked Doug Brent to brief the Board on the 2007-2008 Budget.

Doug advised that the purpose of the discussion was to inform the Board about the nature of the proposed 2007-2008 Budget, given that it was required to be posted under the Bylaws at least forty-five (45) days prior to the commencement of each fiscal year. This means 17 May 2007 is the proposed day for posting to meet this requirement.

Doug advised that the proposed budget anticipates:

Net revenue of $46.6 million;

Expenses of $41.6 million;

For the first time — a capital budget of $1.6 million;

Contribution to reserve of $3.4 million.

Doug said that whilst these numbers were near-final, it was possible that there may be some adjustments prior to posting.

He noted that expense growth had been driven by the highest priority initiatives.

A copy of the presentation that Doug supplied and which guided Board discussion is provided here [PDF, 48K].

Doug also noted that collections will be better with bad debt being less than 2 percent where they had been 4 percent 2 years ago. He pointed out that expenditure on meetings had increased as ICANN would be required to take on a greater proportion of meeting expense, as there may be situations where fewer local hosts are available into the future.

The Board noted the proposed Budget and thanked Doug, Kurt and Henrietta for their work and that of their teams.

Third ICANN Meeting 2007

The Chairman asked if there was an update on the location of the third ICANN meeting for 2007.

Paul Levins advised that the location would be advised to the Board before the end of the week commencing May 14 2007, with a public announcement in that same week.

Paul said that the decision had been delayed because there had been logistical issues with the two proposals arising from the RFP. He explained that this had led to a further search by ICANN for locations without a meeting host, but which met the requirement for an Asia Pacific Regional rotation. Sydney and Singapore amongst others had been examined as possible locations, with Los Angeles as a back up, should the sites not be made to work given the lack of a host.

The Chairman noted the information and asked that the timing outlined be adhered to so as to provide certainty to the community.

Conclusion of Meeting

The Chairman moved for an adjournment of the Meeting at 7.14 AM PDT. Peter Dengate Thrush and Board members seconded that motion.