Anuncios de la ICANN

Los anuncios de la ICANN brindan información actualizada sobre actividades de desarrollo de políticas, eventos regionales y demás novedades.

Update on Plans for ICANN Meetings During 2003

27 de enero de 2003

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  • English

Preparations are proceeding for ICANN's three rounds of meetings during 2003:

  1. ICANN's first round of meetings in 2003 will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23-27 March 2003. The local host, the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, has established a website that gives information about the meeting's venue, accommodations, visa and vaccination requirements, etc., at <>. Information about the meeting schedule and agenda is available at ICANN's Rio de Janeiro meeting page. Participants can pre-register at <>.
  2. The Canadian Internet Registration Authority will host the second round of ICANN's 2003 meetings on 22-26 June in Montreal, Canada. The meeting website has been established at <>. Meeting schedule and agenda information will be available at ICANN's Montreal meeting page.
  3. The final round of ICANN meetings in 2003 is scheduled for 27-31 October in Carthage, Tunisia. Details will be posted on ICANN's Carthage meeting page as they become available.