Public Participation Committee (PPC) Minutes 21 January 2011

PPC Attendees: Mike Silber - Chair; Sébastien Bachollet; Thomas Narten; Gonzalo Navarro; Katim Touray; and Kuo-Wei Wu

Staff Attendees: Akram Atallah – Chief Operating Officer; David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development Support; Samantha Eisner, Christina Rodriguez, and Filiz Yilmaz

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. Approval of Minutes: All voting members in attendance approved the minutes of the prior PPC meeting.

  2. PPC Work plan: The PPC discussed the proposed high-level committee work plan for the next year. The committee discussed the need for a more detail-oriented plan, and requested that the plan include partnership development on remote participation matters, and specifically identified tools and practices in use by another international group with extensive experience remote participation. Staff provided updates on the work being done to create a new attendees track at the upcoming ICANN Meeting. The PPC agreed to informally adopt the work plan infrastructure, recognizing that there's a need to prioritize the activities with particular focus on the work addressing ATRT recommendations as well as reaching finality on the meetings for the next decade work and general meeting planning issues.

    • Actions:

      • Committee member to provide scope and purpose for proposed partnership development work for use in defining a goal for the staff work.

      • Staff to expand the work plan to address PPC member concerns on outreach and website updating, and to address other comments from the meeting.

      • PPC to discuss prioritization on the committee list.

  3. PPC Meeting Planning: The PPC discussed a proposed schedule for committee meetings for the year, including a planning session for a Public Session in Silicon Valley/San Francisco, if documentation can be prepared in sufficient time for public posting. The PPC addressed the need to time meetings sufficiently to perform work associated with meeting the ATRT recommendations. The PPC Chair requested two members to form a subcommittee to guide the PPC's work towards the ATRT recommendations.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to work with PPC chair on scheduling of PPC meetings to allow for more telephonic-based meetings timed to address ICANN meeting document deadlines.

      • PPC Chair to continue discussions with members regarding an ATRT subcommittee.

      • Staff to work towards scheduling a public session at the SV/SF meeting, and compiling documentation sufficient to inform the discussion with the community at that public session, for review at the next meeting of the PPC.

  4. Committee Standard Operating Procedures: Introduced discussion on deviation from committee Standard Operating Procedures, and noted that PPC members required more time to review the materials for this part of the discussion.

    • Actions:

      • PPC to continue discussion on committee list.