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More Information on the Adobe Connect Issue

20 March 2018
By Ashwin Rangan

In our last blog on this issue, we reported that our technical teams are testing various scenarios to determine the root cause of the technical issue affecting our use of Adobe Connect. We are investigating whether the issue was caused by the software, or ICANN's configuration, or both.

We are continuing to collaborate with CoSo Cloud LLC, our Adobe Connect cloud service provider and, through them, with Adobe. We will continue to provide updates on this issue pursuant to our coordinated disclosure guidelines. This means we will work jointly with CoSo and the person who reported the issue on the investigation and on sharing information about this issue.

Until we know more, ICANN's Adobe Connect services will remain offline. In the meantime, we will be rolling out alternative collaboration tools to the community soon, so stay tuned.


Ashwin Rangan

Ashwin Rangan