ICANN Announcements

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Register Now for Remote Participation | Live video, audio, presentations and chatroom for Sydney meeting

20 June 2009

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Following a very successful experiment with remote participation at the last meeting in Mexico City, we have expanded its use to the main room for the Sydney meeting.

We are using Adobe's Connect software, which allows people to see everything in a particular session on one screen: live video, live audio, a live transcript, a chatroom, and presentation slides updated as they are in the room.

This should provide everyone with the best remote participation we have ever been able to provide -- and we will archive the entire session for later viewing. See http://mex.icann.org/ccnso-sessions for examples of the ccNSO sessions from Mexico City.

In order to get some idea of who is using this new service, you will need to fill in a quick two-minute registration form and then you are free to log in and view all the main sessions.

If you indicate on the registration form, that you are interested in learning more about ICANN's remote participation efforts, we will get back to you, ask for feedback, and supply updates on future events and plans. Thank you and all the best with ICANN 35.

Related links:

Registration Form: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/e25733704/event/registration.html

Event Login: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/e25733704/event/login.html