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Submissions for this Proceeding

IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes

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IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes Submission - ccNSO Council
18 April 2023

Submission Summary:

The ccNSO Council supports the proposed amendment to the Bylaws. However, the Council believes that sections 18.8 (d) and 19.6 (a) need to be updated to align them with 18.7 and the proposed changes to section 19.5 (i) and (ii). The ccNSO Council is also of the view that this Fundamental Bylaw change is an opportunity to adjust the frequency of the IANA Naming Function Review. Finally, the Council wants to express its concern about the timing ...

IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes Submission - (RySG), Registries Stakeholder Group
17 April 2023

Submission Summary:

The RySG supports these amendments to Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws and appreciates the IFR Team’s receptivity to RySG input to address IFR team composition issues.

IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes Submission - Olorundare, James
17 March 2023

Submission Summary:

I would like to propose the following comments after review the input documents

That I support, " the removal of a duplication at Article 18, Section 12(a), as identified by the first IANA Naming Function Review (IFR) Team in its Final Report" .

COMMENT: This will make the final Report to be productive without any other. However, the FInal Report must spell out specifics as per this revision.

And also, I would li...

IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes Submission - karsan, gabriel
17 March 2023

Submission Summary:

For Section 18.2. FREQUENCY OF PERIODIC IFRS (a) , The periodic duration of review should consider 3 years, This is due to the changing landscape on the running of the DNS and IANA functions being challenged by the social and political infrastructure such as fragmentation and Route regulation interference. Counteracting the immediate effects is valid with a reconsideration on the timeline.

Section 18.3. IFR RESPONSIBILITIES should ...