Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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  • English

Name: Roger Fearon
Date: 15 Jan 2023
Affiliation: United States
Other Comments

So I am looking at this the correct way.

The following extensions are to be timestamped in this email and owner rights designated to the US treasury department in regards to my research. I will put this simply.



Micro Entity and Free global Connectivity


automated keyword search for resolve


useful automated offset


what each person needs


automated function to defined necessity


automated location in regards to each person family and child including pets and agriculture


automated location in regards to each person family and child including pets and agriculture


automated location in regards to each person family and child including pets and agriculture


automated location in regards to each person family and child including pets and agriculture


Corrects diversion in each time zone


the system defines the correction

not a shady global starvation approach for limited resources

From Darkness to Light

are all now covered when you place a method behind each one instead of being corrupt

I have already started this research and was stolen. I feel i will not have this stolen again for worldwide corruption. My family is impoverished, my nation is also impoverished and so is 99 percent of the world. You simplify this behind cellular data instead of stealing everyone's personal data. You correct the world

Summary of Attachment

This is my Logo

It is also my identity

It is also my creation and my vision.

Above is my dialectic for the common man

Summary of Submission

Methods in regards to fixing almost anything known to man
