Public Comment

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هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

Name: Hiro Hotta
Date: 2 Mar 2023
Affiliation: JPRS
1. Overall, do the Reference LGRs meet their goal of defining Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) labels for the language or script that are suitable for the second level?
2. In your view, are there any technical changes required for any specific Reference LGRs? Please list the script or language LGR with the changes needed, reasoning why.

We would like to propose two additional minor Japanese-specific Context 

Rules for the Japanese Language (Standard LGR) and Script as follows 

considering both the actual and natural usage of daily Japanese.

1) U+30FB(・)KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT is used to separate words. From this 

point of view, the letter followed by KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT must be restricted 

by the same context rules as those for the start of label. In other words, 

characters which have the rule 'not-when="at-start-of-label"' must be invalid 

as well if used after KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT.

2) Iteration marks (U+3005, U+309D, U+309E, U+30FD, U+30FE) and prolonged

sound mark(U+30FC) are used for iterating the pronunciation or meanings 

of the preceding character, and these characters have neither particular 

pronunciation nor meanings by themselves. According to their property, 

sequence of two or more iteration marks and/or the prolonged sound mark  

has no meaning. Thus, consecutive use of iteration mark or prolonged sound 

mark must be invalid. 

Note that these context rules are not included in the Root Zone LGR version 5.

The rule 1) is specific to SLD Reference Japanese LGR, but the rule 2) is

generic to any level of Japanese LGR, so 2) might be included in the next

Root Zone LGR version 6.

Suggested XMLs and test labels for the above are sent to Pitinan and Sarmad

by email for your reference since .xml or .txt files cannot be uploaded in this

comment forum page.

3. Do you have any additional observations or suggested changes?


Summary of Attachment

Summary of Submission

We agree with the proposal about new second-level reference LGRs.

Particularly, for the Japanese Language LGR, it is appreciated that standalone LGR with no interference by LGRs for Chinese or Korean language, presuming the case of only Japanese language as the label.

In addition to the above, we propose a small amendment to make the LGR more secure.

We also thank the ICANN IDN team for their continuous effort.