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Structural Improvements Committee Meeting Minutes 20 May 2010

SIC Attendees: Ray Plzak – Chair, Raimundo Beca, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, and Jonne Soininen, and Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Board Attendees: Rod Beckstrom, Peter Dengate Thrush, and Dennis Jennings.

Staff Attendees: Doug Brent – Chief Operating Officer; Barbara Clay – Vice President, Marketing & Communications; Jamie Hedlund – Vice President of Government Affairs - Americas; John Jeffrey – ICANN General Counsel; David Olive - Vice President, Policy Development; Samantha Eisner, Marco Lorenzoni, Olof Nordling, and Diane Schroeder

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. The meeting was called to order at 11:35 UTC.
  2. All voting members in attendance unanimously affirmed the intersessional online vote approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
  3. Reviewed the status of action items identified at the previous meeting. The following action item was carried over:
    • Action:
      • Chief Operating Officer to confirm appointment of staff support for review of ASO.
  4. Received an update on the status of GNSO Improvements work underway and discussed potential alternative methods for providing updates.
    • Action:
      • Staff to devise means for a dynamic online reporting system on GNSO Improvements, with an interim report to the SIC at its next meeting.
  5. Discussed the proposed Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) charter as provided to the SIC, including initial assessments of budgetary impacts, how the proposed elimination of constituency groups alighted with prior decisions of the Board, and the potential for capture in the proposed model.
    • Action:
      • Three SIC member volunteers (George Sadowsky, Mike Silber and Jonne Soininen) to draft questions for the NCSG focusing on the capture and potential governance issues, for SIC review prior to submission to the NCSG.
  6. Reviewed the proposed terms of reference for the review of the Technical Liaison Group (TLG) and discussed the need to have the terms of reference reflect the nature of the group that ICANN was seeking connection with in the formation of the TLG. Also discussed divergence from the Board working group model and the use of an outside consultant to see the review work through the implementation phase. The SIC unanimously agreed that a working group would not be formed for the TLG review, and that an outside consultant would perform the review. All voting members of the SIC approved that the SIC would provide the initial committee oversight to the outside consultants and would provide resolutions to the Board relating to the review.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to revise terms of reference to address SIC comments, to assist in achieving the correct balance in the review.
      • General Counsel to draft resolutions for presentation to the Board to modify Resolutions 2010.03.12.07 - .08 to reflect the SIC determination that a working group model not be used.
  7. Due to lack of time, the Chair noted he would follow-up online regarding matters not covered during the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 13:01 UTC.