Public Comment

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Transparency and Accountability Wiki Project -- ICANN Board Resolutions - Draft - 2009

Open: 21 June 2010
Closed: 26 July 2010

Explanation/Background: As part of ICANN's Transparency and Accountability Wiki Project, ICANN Staff has created searchable wiki pages to provide the public with easy-to-access information on every substantive resolution approved by ICANN's Board. In order to get initial public feedback that can serve as the basis for further improvements before full implementation, the 2009 resolutions have been loaded on the wiki. These pages are a work-in-progress.  In the interest of getting early customer input, we decided to publish these resolution pages now.  Each resolution has a wiki page that provides basic information, including when it was approved, what it's about, the status of the resulting implementation actions, and links to additional information. Each wiki page contains a comment box to allow individuals to share information about the resolution and its implementation.

Interested individuals are encouraged to use this wiki and give us feedback.  Do you like this wiki format? Have we chosen the right search categories? Is all the basic information provided in an easy-to-understand way?  Do you have suggestions for additional information on particular resolutions? Please share your thoughts to help us provide you with a more useful service. 

Is it clear to you what this comment period covers? Do you have all the information you need to respond? Please click "More information please" below to email ICANN directly.

Staff member responsible: Denise Michel

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