
Члены Правления ICANN избираются сообществом ICANN. Правление обеспечивает стратегический надзор за корпорацией ICANN и является гарантом того, что корпорация действует в рамках своей миссии. Кроме того, Правление курирует разработку сообществом рекомендаций по политике и рассматривает их.

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Multi-stakeholder Meeting Strategy Working Group Charter

The MSWG is being created to discuss and propose strategy for the structure, purpose and locations for ICANN Public Meetings and conferences starting in 2015. Topics for consideration by the MSWG include:

  • Number of ICANN meetings per year
  • Other types of meetings and conferences (Global, regional, topic, stakeholder…)
  • Objectives of the Meetings and conferences
  • Organization of the Meetings and conferences
  • Localization (including rotation) of the Meetings and conferences
  • Role of local host
  • Visa and travel support
  • Role of hosts and sponsors
  • Expected language services to be provided at ICANN meetings and conferences
  • Remote participation
  • Outreach (during the Meetings and conferences)

The MSWG is to be composed of Board members, staff and community representatives.

The MSWG will be chaired by Sébastien Bachollet.

2 to 3 Board members including the Chairman of the working group will be members of the MSWG.

The President and CEO will designate the staff members who will participate in the working group, as well as support staff.

The MSWG will terminate three months after delivery of its Final Report.

It is proposed that the process for the selection of the community representatives follows the AOC review Team selection process:

ICANN will publish a Call for Applicants, for volunteers for the MSWG. The call will contain specific requirements for the composition of the MSWG.

Community members representing the relevant SO/ACs in the MSWG will be selected by the Chair of the MSWG and the CEO or his designee (the selectors) from the pool of volunteers. Candidates will need to identify the SO/AC they wish to represent during the process and their candidatures should be endorsed by SO/ACs.

The Selectors will establish the number of positions on the MSWG available for each SO/AC and then determine the composition of the MSWG in line with a set of requirements and criteria including meeting objectivity and independence requirements together with geographical and gender factors. Only candidates who have received endorsement from a relevant SO/ACs will be considered for membership.

Proposed deadline for the deliverables of the working group, including reporting requirements:

  • Call for candidates: 12 February 2013 – 3 March 2013
  • Applications send to the relevant AC or SO: 4 March 2013,
  • List of applicants supported by the relevant SO and AC send to the selectors: 14 March 2013,
  • Publication of the list of the members of the MSWG: 20 March 2013
  • First meeting of the MSWG: week of 25 March 2013
  • Discussion in Beijing,
  • Draft initial report: 21 May 2013
  • Draft report for comments: 21 June 2013
  • Comment period: 21 June 2013 to 26 July 2013
  • Discussion in Durban: 12 July 2013
  • Reply Comment period: 26 July 2013 to 30 August 2013
  • Last report to the community: 10 October 2013
  • Final report to the Board 28: October 2013
  • Board decision during the Buenos Aires ICANN Meeting

The MSWG Chairman, in consultation with the members of the working group, will determine the following items:

  • How often the working group will meet and how (telephonic, face-to-face);
  • Best time and day on which to meet;
  • How long the meetings will last;
  • When notice will be provided and when materials will be distributed before the meeting.

Telephonic meetings may take place as often as every two weeks with a possible one-day meeting before the ICANN Public Meeting in Beijing and/or Durban. The President and CEO will coordinate with the Chair of the MSWG regarding the fiscal impact of the MSWG meetings.