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Secretary's Notice | ccNSO Council Election of Mike Silber as an ICANN Director | 2 February 2009

To: Secretary of the ICANN Board
Re: ccNSO Election for Board of Directors

ICANN Bylaws Article VI, Section 2, Paragraph 1c provides for the Country-Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) to select members to the ICANN Board of Directors. The ICANN Bylaws Article VI, Section 8, Paragraph 4 also provides that the Supporting Organisation shall give the Secretary of ICANN written notice of its selection not later than five months after the end of the annual meeting. Pursuant to these Bylaws provisions, notice is hereby given that the ccNSO has elected Michael Silber to the ICANN Board for a three year term starting six months after the end of the 2008 Annual General Meeting.

Chris Disspain
Chair - ccNSO Council