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ICANN Posts Summary of Comments on Management Operating Principles

29 نوفمبر 2006

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  • English

As part of its commitment to continuously improving transparency and accountability, on October 16 this year ICANN sought input from the community on the development of a set of Management Operating Principles. These Operating Principles will set new standards for transparency and accountability for interactions within the ICANN community and between members of the community and staff. ICANN is posting a summary of comments that have been received so far. This summary will allow those who wish to participate in the discussions on Management Operating Principles at ICANN's Sao Paulo meeting to gain an overview of the comments made in this part of the consultation. The summary can be viewed at http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcements/mop-comments-29nov06.htm. In the light of the extension of the initial comment period to 31 December and the strong view of the community that this process is important and must not be rushed, ICANN will defer posting a draft set of Management Operating Principles at this stage. In Sao Paulo, ICANN staff will present discussion material based on preliminary research and analysis to promote further debate and dialogue in the community. Comments on this material are welcome.

Send comments to: principles-comments@icann.org
View comments at: http://forum.icann.org/lists/principles-comments