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Structural Improvements Committee Meeting Minutes 3 November 2010

SIC Attendees:  Ray Plzak – Chair, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, Jonne Soininen, and Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Staff Attendees:  Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President – Services; David Olive, Vice President – Policy Support; Rob Hoggarth, Daniel Halloran, Olof Nordling.

The following is a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions identified:

  1. The meeting was called to order at 21:11 UTC.

  2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

  3. Nominating Committee Review – discussed detailed implementation plan.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to add an executive summary to the implementation plan.

      • Staff to ready the plan for approval by the Board in Cartagena, unless staff determines that public comment is needed.

  4. Technical Liaison Group Review – discussed the status of the review report and its recommendations and the ongoing public comment forum. It was noted that most or all recommendations would require bylaws changes, and that the recommendations that the Board decides to approve might be implemented either in phases or all at once. 
    • Action:

      • SIC members to circulate by emails ideas for consideration in forming the SIC’s recommendations to be discussed at the next SIC meeting.

  5. Proposed New /Revised New GNSO Constituencies Application Process – discussed revised new GNSO Constituency application process developed by Staff to operationalize the previously developed SIC checklist.  SIC members agreed to share the proposal with full Board in Cartagena and secure Board instruction to put revised process out for community comment.
    • Action: 

      • Staff to clean-up and proof draft process and then prepare Board briefing paper document for Board agenda in Cartagena.

  6. Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group Charter – discussed charter review process, latest feedback from NCSG on staff questions regarding latest proposal for the NCSG charter and several options for next steps.  Agreement for in-person meeting with NCSG representatives in Cartagena.
    • Actions:

      • Staff to develop a talking points paper (or draft outline) discussing the characteristics of the charter in order to serve as a basis for a meeting SIC and NCSG meeting in Cartagena.

      • SIC to coordinate a meeting with the NCSG in Cartagena, which would have as a goal the formation of a drafting committee to re-write the charter based on all discussions to-date.

  7. Future meeting plans – agreed that the SIC might need two meetings in Cartagena.
  8. The meeting was adjourned at 22:35 UTC.