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Public Participation Committee (PPC) Minutes 24 February 2010

PPC Attendees: Jean-Jacques Subrenat – Chair; Thomas Narten, and Gonzalo Navarro

PPC Apologies: Vanda Scartezini, Katim Touray

PPC Observer: Dennis Jennings

Staff Attendees: Doug Brent – Chief Operating Officer; Nick Ashton Hart, Samantha Eisner, Diane Schroeder , Amy Stathos and Nick Tomasso

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Reviewed and voting members unanimously approved minutes of prior PPC meeting, with modification noted during review.
  2. Discussed the integration of the PPC workplan into the budget process and how the workplan items would be presented to the community at the public session of the PPC in Nairobi. The PPC discussed the prioritization of items that do not require external resources, such as the meetings consultation, which only requires staff resources at this time, and gaining a better understanding of budget implications.
    • Action:
      • Staff to confirm with PPC members not in attendance that they approve of this approach.
      • Staff to provide a proposed form of a single page summary of workplan items to the PPC, including indications of when budget will allow completion, indicating between Nairobi and Brussels, between Brussels and the end of the calendar year of 2010, and calendar year 2011.
  3. Reviewed and discussed plans for the ICANN International meeting in Nairobi. The PPC received a report from staff on attendance figures, noting that there are over 730 registered attendees and additional regional attendees are expected. Staff also reported on the information available regarding ad hoc gatherings of members of various constituencies, as well as plans for staff attendance at the meeting and coordination of enhanced remote participation.
    • Action:
      • Staff to provide the PPC with demographic information on the meeting attendees.
      • Staff to begin discussions on a system of “hubs” for ICANN International Meetings.
  4. Discussed the agenda for the PPC’s session with the public in Nairobi, including participation by AC and SO members. The PPC reiterated the import of providing preparatory materials in advance of sessions.
    • Action:
      • Staff to prepare narrative summary of session for posting on meeting site.
      • Staff to work with PPC chair to finalize the agenda for the public session.
      • Staff to work with all ICANN staff to coordinate providing links to materials for each session within the session on the meeting site.
      • Staff to coordinate discussion between PPC and staff member facilitating remote participation in Nairobi.