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Public Participation Committee (PPC) Meeting Minutes 15 September 2011

PPC Attendees: Mike Silber – Chair, Sébastien Bachollet, Thomas Narten, Gonzalo Navarro, Katim Touray and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board attendees: Erika Mann

Staff Attendees: Akram Atallah – Chief Operating Officer; Barbara Clay – Vice President for Communications and Marketing; David Olive – Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support; Kurt Pritz – Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations; Samantha Eisner, Dan Halloran, Janice Douma Lange, Denise Michel, Christina Rodriguez, Alina Syunkova, Nick Tomasso and Filiz Yilmaz

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. ATRT Implementation Work: The PPC received report from staff on the ATRT Implementation Work relating to the public comment processes, including the opening of the public comment forum on the public comment process, and the plans to initiate a test on the reply comment cycle, as well as the work on a wiki test environment. The PPC discussed issues raised by the community to date, including the issue of staff acting as facilitators within the comment processes, as well as making the tools more dynamic. Staff also reported on the language support work within ICANN, including the continued development of the language services policy and procedures.
    • Action:
      • Staff to continue to plan for testing of public comment processes, including a mock up of a wiki environment public comment page.
  2. Meetings for the Next Decade: The PPC discussed the formation of a subcommittee of the PPC to revive the work on the Meetings for the Next Decade, with a first step of synthesizing the documents and work that were previously generated on this topic. The subcommittee will consider issues such as the location of meetings, the form and numbers of meetings per year, and the logistic requirements for meeting sites. The subcommittee will consider some recommendations for how to move this conversation forward.
  3. ICANN.ORG Redesign Update: As staff responsible for the update was not available for the meeting, the PPC agreed to take questions received online to staff. 
    • Action:
      • PPC members to provide comments on the redesign, for provision to staff.
  4. PPC Community Update in Dakar: The PPC discussed the scope of community update for presentation in Dakar, given that there would be a separate ATRT update for the community. The PPC agreed that an open session with the community intended to provide interaction would be a preferred way to proceed. The PPC also agreed that agenda topics, such as recommendations related to the review of the public comment process, may be appropriate for a community discussion.
    • Action:
      • Staff to provide proposed agenda, for PPC Chair review and circulation to the committee.
  5. PPC Workplan: Reviewed the workplan from staff regarding the work of the PPC for the next year. The PPC provided guidance to staff on the scope of work identified on the workplan. One item of particular conversation was the scope of ICANN's work in liaising with organizations already undertaking work within colleges and universities to engage students, and the need to better define the scope of ICANN's outreach work in this regard. The PPC also requested that staff include research into hub locations as another workplan item.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to revise workplan in accordance with PPC comments.
      • Staff to better define the work on outreach to college/university students.