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ICANN Meeting San Francisco / Silicon Valley March 13-18, 2011

15 марта 2011
Автор Office of the Ombudsman

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

Hello, my name is Herb Waye. I have been in the role of ICANN's Adjunct Ombudsman for 5 years. I am attending the ICANN Silicon Valley meeting and ensuring the full operations of the Office of the Ombudsman. ICANN meetings are a great opportunity for the community to meet the staff of the Office of the Ombudsman and have face to face discussions. There is an office available for more private discussions but I will likely be out meeting people, building relationships and spreading the message on the role of the Office and how it serves the ICANN community. I am looking forward to meeting as many people as possible and to make the most of this opportunity for the community to seek me out in person. Herb


Office of the Ombudsman