Public Participation Committee (PPC) Meeting Minutes 12 July 2012

PPC Attendees: Sébastien Bachollet – Chair, Chris Disspain, Gonzalo Navarro, Mike Silber and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board Attendees: Akram Atallah – Interim President and CEO, Steve Crocker – Board Chair

Apologies: Thomas Narten

Staff Attendees: David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development Support; Kurt Pritz – Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations; Tanzanica King, Janice Douma Lange, Elad Levinson, Amy Stathos, Alina Syunkova, Nick Tomasso, Jim Trengrove and Filiz Yilmaz

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. Minutes of Prior Meeting: The PPC approved the minutes of its meeting held on 24 June 2012.
  2. Review of Action Items: The PPC reviewed the action items identified at the prior meeting and discussed the actions items that are still open and the due dates for each. The PPC further identified items that require follow up but are not expected to be discussed during this meeting.
    • Actions:
      • Committee member to have ready for next PPC meeting suggestions on how plenary sessions held during public meetings are scheduled.
      • Staff to prepare and distribute to PPC for discussion at next PPC meeting three documents relating to hub meeting strategy proposal: (i) planning document for how community consultation should to be held; (ii) rationale for hub meeting strategy proposal; and (iii) draft document for the public distribution.
      • Staff to provide a proposal for discussion during next PPC meeting regarding survey questions to ask the community about website re-design and regarding costs involved in captioning videos and other ways to make the website more accessible by all.
  3. Running of Future PPC Meetings: The PPC discussed ways to improve the running of the PPC meetings including keeping time, simultaneous recording of actions and decisions, and making the agenda tighter to insure that some items don't get dropped off or get shorter attention than they need. PPC members noted that they would like some time to think about possible improvements. The Chair also noted that at a future meeting the PPC will need to discuss the process for the PPC public meeting in Toronto.
    • Action:
      • Committee members to submit comments in writing about how to improve PPC meetings, which staff will incorporate into paper to be distributed to the PPC for discussion.
  4. Public Comment Process: Staff reminded the PPC about the sessions held in Prague on this topic. Staff reported that one Board member provided some solution suggestions and asked for additional comments from the PPC members. The main suggestions received in Prague included: (i) extend initial comment period; (ii) employ blackout dates (according to ICANN meetings); and (iii) allow overlapping comment and reply periods. PPC members also suggested that there should be two considerations. One for the shorter term by looking at incremental improvements to the comment/reply period process. The second for the longer term, which would be considering whether a reply period itself is valuable and effective. There was also a discussion about whether it makes sense to include the public forum held during public meetings as part of the public comment period and how that will affect timing of various issues. The committee discussed that this should be a separate discussion from the discussion about the public comment process.
    • Actions:
      • PPC members to provide suggestions for modification to the public comment/reply period process, taking into account what was discussed in Prague.
      • Staff to add a new discussion topic for a future PPC agenda relating to use of the open Public Forum held during public meetings.
  5. Planning for Future ICANN Meetings: PPC discussed some ideas relating to the format and structure of ICANN Public meetings that will be more fully fleshed out in a paper for the PPC. Some of the key ideas include: scheduling breaks in between meetings so they do not run back-to-back; having a time keeper to help ensure sessions end on time; being more strict about not running over scheduled session times; educating people to be on time, which includes starting sessions on time; starting each session with just one slide entitled "since we last met" and including in the meeting description a set of slides of prior activities that people are directed to read before coming to the public session; considering how agendas are set for each public meeting to determine if they can be a little more spontaneous for things that are part of public forum; and, trying to figure out how best to manage the PPC public session by possibly experimenting with different session formats that could prove as beneficial tests for other sessions. The PPC also discussed how to deal with the increasing number of concurrent sessions, recognizing the difficulty of honoring all requests for sessions and balancing fact that if all sessions run consecutively some may complain about having periods of time where they may not be interested in the one topic being discussed. There was also a brief discussion about a way for SO and AC Chairs to provide reports now that Friday mornings have been cancelled. The meetings team also briefly discussed the status of identifying future meeting locations.
    • Actions:
      • Committee member to prepare a paper relating to various suggestions for planning Toronto and to distribute the paper to the PPC for discussion.
      • Staff to present paper for PPC consideration at its next meeting relating to July 2013 meeting location.
  6. Other Business: Staff provided brief update about SO/AC leadership orientation budgeted as a pilot program for Toronto. Staff also reported that other proposals for ICANN Academy sessions have been made and those are currently being discussed. The Committee discussed the need to ensure that face-to-face training or orientations be recorded and published so that they can be preserved for online or remote training at later date. Finally, the committee discussion on how documents are published on the website and if there is a process about posting revisions and ensuring that prior drafts remain posted. Staff indicated they are looking into the process and the policy issues that might be implicated.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to provide the PPC with a summary of training/orientation sessions, the goal of those sessions, and discussion of how the PPC can be involved.
      • Staff to provide the PPC with a paper for discussion in August, with some proposals relating to the posting and revision of documents, but also some questions that will need to be addressed.