Public Participation Committee (PPC) Minutes 12 March 2011

PPC Attendees: Mike Silber - Chair; Sébastien Bachollet; Thomas Narten; Gonzalo Navarro; Katim Touray; and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board Attendees – Bertrand de La Chappelle

Staff Attendees: David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development Support; Kurt Pritz – Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations; Janice Douma Lange, Samantha Eisner, Denis Michel, John Nakamura, Scott Pinzon, Christina Rodriguez, Nick Tomasso, and Filiz Yilmaz

The following is a summary of discussion, action taken and actions identified:

  1. Approval of Minutes: All voting members in attendance approved the minutes of the prior PPC meeting.

  2. ATRT Recommendations Implementation Update: The PPC received a presentation from staff on the work underway within the organization to meet the ATRT recommendations, with a specific focus on the recommendations relating to the provision of community input on policy processes and other community involvement issues, as these recommendations are of particular interest to the work of the PPC.  Staff provided detailed presentations on the implementation work proposed relating to the improvements and refinements of the public comment processes.  The PPC discussed that any revision to the public comment process should allow for community members to provide comments in response to other comments to allow for better discourse, as well as tools to encourage interactions among community members.

  3. Update on Future Meetings: Staff provided the PPC with a presentation on the outcomes of the public comment period on the future ICANN meeting dates, including an attempt to accommodate all national and religious holidays, as well as a recommendation to leave the summer meeting dates as is, despite a few remaining identified conflicts that cannot be accommodated through other available dates.  Staff also provided a presentation on the identification of Toronto as the host of the October 2012 meeting, including an update on the proposals received to host the meeting.  The PPC formally accepted the recommendation to host the meeting in Toronto.  The PPC also discussed the need to provide further transparency regarding the criteria used to assess meeting locations, as there may be a lack of public understanding of the current criteria.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to confirm sufficiency of meeting date timing in advance of Lunar New Year celebrations.

      • Staff to identify document produced in 2009 for the PPC regarding meeting selection criteria and circulate to the current committee members for further discussion.

      • Staff to present report to PPC on formal sponsorship policy, for conversation at next PPC meeting.

  4. Update on Redesign: Staff provided a presentation on the status of the work on the redesign of the website, including a report on the review of the proposals received in response to the RFP and status of designating a vendor.  Staff reported that due to the extensive response to the RFP, the anticipated vendor selection and completion of contract negotiation had not been concluded, however it was anticipated that a selection would be completed prior to the end of March 2011.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to produce slides for PPC reporting on the process, including the identification of the scope of work.

      • PPC member to provide question in writing to Staff regarding expansion of ICANN landing pages in various TLDs.  Staff to confirm whether the question has been addressed.  If no, the PPC shall review whether it would like more formal work on the topic.

  5. Workplan for 2011: The PPC adopted a proposed workplan for 2011 to guide the work for the upcoming year.  The PPC also discussed ways that the workplan could be refined, such as showing better alignment with the Strategic Plan.  The PPC also discussed the need for clear direction to staff when requesting additional items to be added to the workplan.  The PPC also discussed scheduling of upcoming meetings.  The PPC began a discussion of holding interim update meetings as a supplement to the regular committee meetings, as a means to keeping PPC members up to date on activities relating to the work of the committee.  The PPC adopted the proposed meeting schedule, subject to rescheduling of a meeting in April 2011.

    • Actions:

      • The workplan is to be updated to provide mapping between the PPC Charter items and the Strategic Plan, once the Strategic Plan is approved.

      • Staff to confirm schedule for upcoming meetings.

      • PPC to continue discussion online regarding the feasibility of holding update sessions.

  6. Newcomers Welcome Series: Newcomers Welcome Series: Staff provided a brief update on the implementation of a Newcomers track at the ICANN public meeting, including the setup and activities of the Newcomers Lounge and the Newcomers Greeting Team and the planned interaction of fellows with the newcomers, and other activities.

  7. Any Other Business: The PPC raised the issue of shared meetings tools, and agreed that it may undertake further work on this item.  The PPC also noted that the issue of the structure of physical meetings, as part of the discussion on the work of meetings for the next decade.  A discussion was raised regarding translations and a review of whether assistance could be provided to third parties for translations into additional languages based upon identification of specific needs, and the need to review whether expenses of that type are the most effective means of allocating resources to facilitate community participation.  The PPC also raised the issue of the scope of documents translated and enhancing the ease of finding translations on the ICANN website.

    • Actions:

      • PPC member to recirculate email regarding shared meetings tool, for further review.

      • Staff is to provide the PPC with the status of the 2010 Meetings for the Next Decade and identify updates that may be necessary for that work to bring it forward.

      • Staff to return to PPC with update on current status of translation work within the organization