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Minutes | Meeting of the Technical Committee of the Board (BTC) 21 July 2022

Board Member and Liaison Attendees: Alan Barrett, Edmon Chung, Akinori Maemura, Kaveh Ranjbar (Chair), Patricio Poblete, and Katrina Sataki

Committee Member Apologies: Harald Alvestrand and James Galvin

Other Board Members and Liaisons Present: Avri Doria and Tripti Sinha

ICANN Organization Attendees: Adiel Akplogan (Vice President for Technical Engagement), Franco Carrasco (Board Operations Specialist),  Kinga Kowalcyzk (Administrative Assistant), Matt Larson (VP, Research),  Andrew McConachie (Policy Development and Technology Director), Erika Randall (Associate General Counsel), Carlos Reyes (Director, Policy and Strategy), Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob (Principal Security, Stability, and Resiliency Specialist), and Sarah Zagha (Counsel)

Invited Guest: Matthew Thomas (Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Working Party (WP) chair) – only present for agenda item no. 1

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. BTC Update Session with the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) DG Admin Co-Chairs: Progress on Study 2 – The Committee received an update on the NCAP work from Matt Thomas. He noted that Study 2 is progressing well. The case study report for .CORP, .HOME, and .MAIL has been finalized, sent out for public comment, the final version has been established, and consensus has been declared in the NCAP Discussion Group. Similarly, the study titled "A Perspective Study of DNS Queries for Non-Existent Top-Level Domains" has also been completed, sent out for public comment, the final version has been established, and consensus has been declared in the Discussion Group.

    The third and final report – the root cause report that examines the name collision reports received by ICANN from the 2012 application round for new gTLDs – is nearing its final release.

    Furthermore, the Group continues to work on responding to the Board's questions outlined in Board Resolution 2017.11.02.30, and how to proceed on providing advice for risk assessments for name collisions going forward. The Group is making efforts on its workflow for proposing how to progress with managing name collision risk assessments and providing guidance. The Group has completed a series of table-top exercises to test the corner cases of the workflow to identify areas of concern that the Group could further address.

    Matthew Thomas left the meeting following the NCAP update.  

  2. Action Items Review – The Chair established the agenda for the meeting. An update to the two previous action items were given as noted below:

    • The action item approving the 20 April 2022 BTC meeting minutes has been completed.

    • The action item of sharing OCTO's report on Alternative Naming Systems has been completed with the publication of OCTO-034

  3. Discussion on Recommendation to the Board Regarding Proposal to Implement IDN Guidelines Version 4.1 – The Committee was given a presentation on the 2018 IDN Guidelines version 4 update. As part of the presentation, it was noted that proposed Guidelines numbers 6a, 11, 12, 13, and 18 were not under consideration at this time as the GNSO is continuing to do work on these Guidelines.

    The Committee considered whether to recommend that the Board adopt IDN Guidelines version 4.1, with exception of guidelines 6a, 11, 12, 13, and 18. As part of its consideration, the Committee discussed the potential impact of the Board approval of the updates to the IDN Guidelines on the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process, which recommends implementation of the IDN Guidelines. In addition, there was discussion about the potential impact of the proposed updates to the IDN Guidelines in relation to the ongoing ccNSO policy development process concerning IDN ccTLDs. It was noted that the IDN Guidelines have always been referenced in both GNSO and ccNSO processes. Committee members also asked ICANN org to confirm whether the updated IDN Guidelines would automatically apply to the Fast Track Process and clarify this point in the draft Board resolutions. To avoid confusion, Committee members also recommended that the current numbering of the Guidelines be preserved even though Guidelines 6a, 11, 12, 13 and 18 are not being considered at this time.

    After discussion, the Committee recommended that the Board adopt the IDN Guidelines version 4.1, with the exception of Guidelines 6a, 11, 12, 13, and 18.

    • Action Item:

      • ICANN org to confirm whether the updated IDN Guidelines would automatically apply to the Fast Track Process, and to note this point in the draft Board resolutions.

      • ICANN org to maintain the numbering of the Guidelines of the current version (version 4.1) and place "deferred" for implementation against the Guideline numbers which are deferred.

  4. Discussion on Proposal to Implement SAC113 Recommendations – The Committee was given a presentation on SAC113 and private-use names. It was noted that since ICANN org's January 2022 briefing to the Committee on this topic, the Board, via its liaison to the IETF, Harald Alvestrand, sent a letter to the IAB outlining its preferred approach to implementing SAC113. The approach is a four-step process: (1) Conduct a public comment on the proposed approach within steps 2, 3, and 4; (2) Instruct IANA to choose the string; (3) Conduct a Public Comment on the proposed string within step 2; and (4) Reserve the proposed string in a Board resolution. It was also noted that the IAB responded that it approved of this approach.

    ICANN org staff prepared a Board Paper for step one of this process, which was presented to the Committee for consideration. The Committee discussed whether to recommend that the Board adopt the four-step approach to address the advice from the SSAC in SAC113, and direct ICANN org to initiate the first step of the process. Committee members recommended that the correspondence from the IAB be included in the Board resolutions to document this action and the IAB's response. After discussion, the Committee recommended that the Board adopt the four-step approach, and direct ICANN org to initiate the first step of the process.

    • Action Item:

      • ICANN org include the IAB's response that it approved of ICANN's preferred approach toward implementing SAC113 in the Board resolutions.
  5. Discussion on Blockchain Based Name Service – The Chair requested that ICANN org present on OCTO-034 during the next Committee meeting.

    • Action Item:

      • ICANN org to present on OCTO-034 during the next BTC meeting.

  6. Priority Project Updates – The Committee received an update on the following projects:

    • Domain Name System Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group (DSFI-TSG) Report – Implementation Update: ICANN org members reported that Phase 1, which consisted of determining the SMEs and also checking the understanding of the recommendation with them, has been completed. Merike Käo has been engaged in a consulting capacity, and is currently coordinating and meeting with each SME to commence Phase 2, which consists of examining the feasibility of the recommendations' implementation. 

    • Root Zone Management Study:  It was reported that the Root Zone Management study was finalized. It was noted that the previous public comments received were minor. The study has been well received.

    • IMRS Strategy: ICANN org members reported that a revised version of the IMRS strategy paper, OCTO-16, was published in June 2022 as OCTO-16v2

    • Root Server System Governance Working Group (RSS-GWG): It was reported that the GWG had four sessions during ICANN74, and three  topics were identified for discussion during ICANN75: (1) Capture of the Root Server System; (2) What RSOs would yield and gain by joining this governance structure; (3) The requirement, if any, to separate or have some portability of RSS governance away from ICANN.

  7. Updates from Technical Liaisons – The Committee received an update from the following Board Technical Liaisons:

    • SSAC (James Galvin): No report given.

    • RSSAC (Kaveh Ranjbar): It was noted that a Statement of Work, which has cleared the caucus and will be up for vote during the next RSSAC meeting, is included within RSSAC 001 version 2. Similarly, regarding RSSAC 002 version 5, the Statement of Work has cleared the caucus and will be up for vote during the next RSSAC meeting. The Statement of Work for the third report, which concerns RSO security incident reporting, is currently under development.

    • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) (Harald Alvestrand): No report given.

  8. Any Other Business – No other business to report.

The Chair called the meeting to a close.

Published on 5 October 2022