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Minutes - Public Participation Committee (PPC) 14 May 2009

PPC members present: Dennis Jennings, Thomas Narten, Jean Jacques Subrenat – chair, and Katim Touray

Other Board Members Present: Peter Dengate Thrush

Staff Members Present: Samantha Eisner, Paul Levins, John Jeffrey, Kieren McCarthy, Diane Schroeder, Amy Stathos, and Nick Tomasso

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  • Unanimously approved minutes from last meeting.
  • Discussed PPC membership needs given the conclusion of Dave Wodelet’s Board term and discussed providing information to the Board Governance Committee regarding same. Unanimously approved revision to PPC charter specifying number of liaisons authorized to serve on PPC as two.
  • Discussed date and venue selection for upcoming ICANN International public meetings. Actions: Staff to provide committee with further information regarding geographic rotation; Staff to provide committee with further detail for meetings calendar, noting scheduling conflicts; Staff to provide PPC with relevant updates on the status of ICANN Geographic Regions working group.
  • Discussed timely publication of documents in advance of ICANN International public meetings. Unanimously approved recommending to the Board that an operational policy be adopted and administered by PPC regarding publication deadlines for International public meetings. Actions: Staff to draft operational policy setting forth publication deadlines; Staff to forward PPC recommendation regarding policy to the Board for consideration at 21 May 2009 Board meeting.
  • Discussed remote participation capabilities, and unanimously approved recommending that the Board direct Staff to research the utilization and implementation of remote participation tools and practices. Action: Staff to forward PPC recommendation to Board for review and consideration, and Staff to continue work to implement remote participation solutions.