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Minutes - Risk Committee Meeting 1 March 2009

Committee members present: Steve Crocker, Steve Goldstein, Rajasekhar Ramaraj and Bruce Tonkin - chair.

Other Board members present: Peter Dengate Thrush and Suzanne Woolf

Staff members present: Geoff Bickers, Doug Brent, John Jeffrey, Diane Schroeder, Greg Rattray, Amy Stathos and Kevin Wilson

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  • Discussed and agreed role of the Committee per charter. Staff to look into setting up informal meeting with chairs of risk, audit and finance committees.
  • Discussed, validated and enhanced proposed risk management framework. Action: Staff to conduct enterprise risk assessment with outside support and input from Committee members; staff to begin instituting risk management as part of key project planning; staff to identify exigent risks.
  • Discussed first cut core ICANN objectives and identification of the critical processes and assets that support those objectives. Action: Staff to conduct further analysis.
  • Discussed and adjusted work plan
  • Discussed schedule for next meeting