مدونات ICANN

اقرأ مدونات ICANN لتبقى على اطلاع على آخر أنشطة وضع السياسات والمحافل الإقليمية وغيرها.

ICANN Board approves Ombudsman Framework

27 أبريل 2009
بقلم Office of the Ombudsman

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

The ICANN Board of Directors has ratified the Ombudsman Framework as the operational guideline for the Office of the Ombudsman. The approved document may be found here
The approved Framework will be translated into five languages in the coming weeks, and these will be posted to the website in due course.


Office of the Ombudsman