إعلانات ICANN

اقرأ إعلانات ICANN لتبقى على اطلاع على آخر أنشطة وضع السياسات والمحافل الإقليمية وغيرها.

Proposed Amendment to .XXX Registry Agreement to Transition to New Fee Structure and to Adopt Additional Safeguards

12 أكتوبر 2016

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English
Open Date: 12 October 2016 Close Date: 24 November 2016
Originating Organization: Global Domains Division
  • Top-Level Domains
  • Contracted Party Agreements
  • Security/Stability
Brief Overview:

ICANN is posting for public comment the proposed amendment [PDF, 444 KB] to the .XXX Registry Agreement to, among other things, modify the fees payable to ICANN schedule and also to add additional safeguards and compliance audit requirements.

Link: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/xxx-amendment-2016-10-12-en